Music Videos of 2014

Song: Hurt
Artist: Johnny Cash
Footage: 9
Date: March 4, 2014
Warnings: For those with light sensitivity, there are many moments of single, isolated white flashes as well as one part with a few in a row very close together. There are also some flashing lights from the footage itself.
Description: I had wanted to make this video for a friend in the fandom (Burrito) back in 2009 when we met on the forums but I never got around to it. But in 2014, I finally sat down and did it. A video about 1 and his relationship with the Scientist and his fellow stitchpunks. I was still using windows movie maker at the time, so there's a rewind effect in here that I did by taking screenshots and arranging them in reverse like a gif.

Song: Grace Kelly
Artist: MIKA
Footage: 9
Date: March 3, 2014
Warnings: For those with light sensitivities, there are many instances of isolated singular white flashes, one moment of multiple flashes in a row, and some flashing lights from the footage itself.
Description: I did this one very shortly after Hurt because my internet was down for a few days. This was also a realization of an old idea from 2009 or so. I had done the opening with a lesser quality footage back then and abandoned the idea. So I decided to come back to it. It's generally a 7 video with all the other stitchpunks wanting to hit that. I dunno.